
Try bringing ten sprigs of rosemary to a simmer in your house, and watch the wonderful transformations that occur gradually.

Rosemary not only adds flavor to dishes but also promotes hair growth and effectively prevents hair loss.

How to care for hair at home with rosemary

Rosemary soak

This is an extremely easy way to do and is most commonly used by girls. Rosemary leaf water, after being distilled and used, will help clean hair effectively, and can be a substitute for days when girls are lazy to wash their hair or their scalp is sensitive to the cleaning active ingredients in shampoo.


Boil water and add rosemary leaves.

Soak rosemary in warm water for about 10-30 minutes, then sieve out the leaves and keep the soaking water.

Use this solution on oily skin to clean the scalp, reduce irritation and eliminate dandruff.

After applying rosemary water solution, we do not need to rinse with water.

Rosemary essential oil

This is the fastest and least labor-intensive way to own the beautiful hair you want. You can find rosemary essential oil at some reputable stores (the essential oil must be highly concentrated). The next step is to add a few drops of rosemary essential oil to your favorite hair conditioners and use them daily. Or you can also use rosemary to make essential oil at home, it just takes a little time.



Prepare fresh rosemary leaves and crush them to create fragrance.

Put the crushed rosemary in a glass jar (beer bottle, jam box, etc.) and add oil there. Encourage the use of benign oils such as olive oil or jojoba oil. Avoid oils that are sensitive to temperature like coconut oil.

Leave the product in a shaded and cool place for 2-4 weeks.

You can then apply this rosemary oil to your hair and scalp to treat dandruff, scalp irritation, stimulate hair growth, massage the scalp or add shine and shine.


Make rosemary vinegar

At first, you will surely be surprised to hear about using rosemary vinegar to nourish your hair, right? Especially the ingredient from fermented apple cider vinegar combined with rosemary leaves is a great combo to help remove excess oil and rescue oily, sticky hair very effectively!


Crush fresh rosemary leaves and add them to a jar of apple cider vinegar.

Distill and store in a cool, dark space for 2-4 weeks.

After shampooing, combine 1/4 cup of rosemary vinegar with 1-2 cups of water and rinse your hair with this mixture and leave it on, no need to rinse with water.


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