Marines with massive Type 97 150 mm Japanese Mortar on Iwo Jima
U.S. Navy invasion fleet ships off Iwo Jima 7
LVTs Head for Invasion Shore as Battleship blasts Iwo Jima
Landing Craft bringing first wave of Marines to Iwo Jima
Marine LVT under mortar fire 23 February 1945
Japanese Type 96 25mm AA Gun emplacement on Yellow Beach
Equipment and ships on Red Beach 1 Iwo Jima
Marine NCO Sharpshooter in action on Iwo Jima 12 March 1945
Wounded Marines being treated at Aid Station on Iwo Jima
Wreckage of Japanese High Speed Transport on Beach of Iwo Jima
Medics carry wounded Marine on Iwo Jima
Japanese 5 inches Naval Gun Mount on Iwo Jima 13 March 1945