A Royal Navy bigwig has torn the Government to shreds after Britain’s latest submarine was given a last-minute name change to avoid upsetting the French.
HMS Agincourt is now set to be rebranded ‘HMS Achilles’ after Keir Starmer feared offending the French by reminding them of the famous Henry V battle victory.
Those involved in the woke re-naming exercise now claim the previous plan would have been inappropriate “in light of the 80th anniversaries this year of VE and VJ Day”.
Rear Admiral Chris Parry, CBE is a British retired Royal Navy officer who was the first chair of the British Government’s Marine Management Organisation until November 2010. Dr Parry furiously tore into the decision, branding it a “craven and contemptible surrender”.
The former NATO commander told Times Radio this morning that he blames “the ideology being pushed by our government” that “seeks to erase our history and anything we need to be proud of”.
HMS Agincourt’s renaming has sparked fury (Image: Getty / Royal Navy)
Chris Parry slammed the woke decision (Image: BBC)
He pointed out: “I don’t see the French renaming the Gare Austerlitz to avoid upsetting the Germans. I’m now concerned we might lose Waterloo [station] and Trafalgar Square.
“This is just craven political correctness gone mad and I’ve got no doubt the admirals will be seething about this. You don’t rename ships once they start getting built and I’m afraid it’s probably payback for the AUKUS deal where the French were excluded from the submarine deal between Australia, America and the UK.
“It’s unbelievable to tell you the truth. The excuse they’re using the change it – the anniversary of VE Day – is probably the weakest communications excuse in a long time.
“Somebody in Government – official or spad – has got a bee in their bonnet and decided to erase one of our most famous victories in history.”
The victory by Henry V over the French at Agincourt, a key moment in the 100 Years War between the two powers, entered British historical folklore thanks to William Shakespeare’s eponymous play.
It’s also the setting for one of the playwright’s best-known speeches and patriotic rallying cry: “We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.”
The battle victory over the french was made famous by Shakespeare’s play Henry V (Image: Getty)
Dr Parry also claimed there is “clear” evidence of political interference in the decision, which is usually made independently by the Royal Navy’s Warship naming committee.
Reacting to the nomenclature news, Former Defence Secretary Grant Shapps told The Sun: “Renaming the Agincourt is nothing short of sacrilege.
“This submarine carries a name that honours a defining moment in British history.”
A spokesman insisted: “We are proud of our nation’s rich military history and the many famous battles that the Royal Navy has played a part in.
“This process began under the previous government and any changes would be announced publicly in the usual way.”