Keir Starmer is making one huge mistake about Britain’s reaction to rape gangs

Keir Starmer is making a huge mistake about us Britons (Image: PA)
While the liberal elites continue to go ballistic over the Elon Musk’s interference in the rape gang scandal, and the howls from Labour politicians that he’s a danger to Britain get ever more hysterical, I say thank God for him!
Because if Musk hadn’t poked his nose into this controversy – where for years the authorities looked the other way as Pakistani rape gangs branded their victims “white slags” and systematically raped and tortured thousands of girls some as young as 12 – Starmer and Jess Phillips would probably have managed to brush all this under the carpet (much like the Tories did).
Obviously not before they’d told us how wonderful they are, how devastated they are for the girls but how they’d all played their part in trying to save them – which is exactly what these hypocrites did this week. But Musk isn’t going to let them brush this off. Day after day on X, formerly Twitter, he exposes their cowardice, their hypocrisy, their hidden agendas, their craven cow-towing to the Muslim community because they desperately need their votes.
Musk tells them how despicable they are, how weasely and how they didn’t, and still aren’t, doing their jobs. And he’s right about it all.
Yes, his language towards safeguarding minister Jess Phillips was a bit fruity – he called her a rape apologist – but while she took to TV wailing about how distressing all the verbal attacks she claims were a direct result of Musk’s tweets have been (nowhere near as distressing as being gang raped aged 12 by gangs of men), it’s hard to feel sympathy for a woman who has used exactly that language on Twitter to attack others – George Galloway for one. It’s also a disgrace she tried to make this story about her – when it’s about thousands of defiled girls.
It’s also worth pointing out that while some of those who threatened Phillips have been arrested, no-one who turned a blind eye to these monstrous grooming gangs so as not to antagonise the Muslim community – the cops, the social workers, the charity workers, the politicians, both local and national – has been arrested for their part in one of the biggest and most distressing scandals to ever hit modern Britain.
My take on Jess Phillips’ part in all this? I used to have enormous respect for her and have no doubt she cares about abused women. However in this instance, I despise her cowardice in not allowing an independent inquiry which would expose all the people who did nothing to stop this brutality. I think she’s been leaned on by Starmer who wants to protect the Muslim vote. And I think Phillips, who only hung onto her seat in this year’s election by 693 votes, is also terrified of losing the Muslim vote in her own constituency.
As for Starmer – he doesn’t have the guts or the integrity to get to the bottom of this scandal and so his insistence about how much he cares about the ruined lives of these raped girls is just self-serving tosh. He won’t order an inquiry – even though for years rape and torture were perpetrated on an industrial scale – because he’s terrified what it might reveal and who it might implicate.
And he can’t keep saying “There’s already been an inquiry”. No, there’s never been a specific national inquiry into Pakistani grooming gangs which were barely mentioned in Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, which was about ALL forms child sex abuse. Our joke of a leader has spent all week trying to absolve himself of all blame in the scandal during his time as Director of Public Prosecutions. But his sleaziest moment was to slate all those demanding justice for the thousands of girls who were abused (and who are still being abused) as “jumping on the Far Right bandwagon”.
How bloody dare he! Starmer’s so dumb he thinks accusing people of being Far Right will stop the conversation. Well not this time matey. The furore over his disgraceful dereliction of duty in not ordering an inquiry will run and run until he does, and until those cowards who stood by and did nothing while young white girls were being gang raped and tortured are named, shamed and jailed.
Because for this never to happen again there HAS to be accountability. And Starmer denying an inquiry means there won’t be. And so these monsters will keep raping white girls they see as “ trash” knowing our Prime Minister hasn’t got the guts to stop them.
In the months before the election Rachel from Accounts spent every waking moment shouting (like a Dalek with a bad cold) about how only she could fix the economy which was actually recovering nicely under the Tories. She bragged about her time with the Bank of England and her financial expertise, insisting she’d keep an iron grip on budgets, demand value for money and promising that her sterling reputation as an economist would unlock a wave of global finance for the UK.
It was all tosh! I reckon Rachel Reeves lied about everything including her economic credentials which one bloke who worked with her at Lloyds HBOS says amounted to working in the Complaints Support Dept. Another at the Bank of England described her as “F****** useless”.
Yet, still she ended up running Britain’s economy at which she is failing spectacularly. Thanks to her catastrophic cack handedness, the UK is facing a debt crisis the like of which we haven’t seen since the 70’s. Borrowing is at its highest since 1998 which means all the plans for fixing the foundations, for growth, for new hospitals, for more doctors and nurses etc have all been scrapped because whatever money there was is being spent servicing our spiralling debt.
Reeves’ bungling means that the financial markets are spooked, inflation is rising, mortgage rates are likely to rise and business confidence is on the floor.
All of which is why Reeves is now running scared and hasn’t been seen for days. She even refused to go to the Commons this week to answer questions on the crisis she’s created – so not just a braggart, she’s also a coward who doesn’t have the guts to admit her mistakes. This woman inherited what was the fastest growing economy in the G7 and she’s tanked it. Starmer needs to get rid before she does for us all!
Zendaya is getting hitched to Tom Holland (Image: Getty)
Fantastic news that gorgeous Hollywood star Zendaya – who was sporting a five-carat engagement ring this week – is finally getting married to Spiderman star Tom Holland. The couple have officially been together since 2021 but first met in 2016.
I used to work with Tom’s lovely dad, Dom, and was around to see Tom rocket to stardom. He didn’t change – mainly because he grew up with fabulous down to earth parents and three siblings who all kept his feet on the ground. Dom once said of Tom: “If you met him he presents as a very ordinary person who just happens to have an extraordinary job.”
He’s right. And I’m thrilled for all of them!
Katie Price looks, er, interesting (Image: PA)
There are no words except maybe that the Bride of Wildenstein still lives…
It’s rumoured Kier Starmer has formed a “bromance” with French president Emmanuel Macron after the PM hosted a private dinner for him this week.
Well, they DO have lots in common. They’re both worse than useless, the people in their respective countries hate them and want them out. They’ve both brought their countries to the brink of ruin and Trump, the new leader of the Free World, thinks they’re both Grade A plonkers. They HAVE to like each other – because no-one else does.
WHEN I first read the story about how people have “meaningful relationships” with their plants I laughed. Then I remembered how I felt last week when I had to take down my Christmas tree: the “Harrods of Trees”, as one friend described it.
Truly, it was magnificent and I was broken-hearted when I had to strip it of its finery. I kept thinking how it had taken eight or so years to become this thing of beauty and, after three weeks in our house, it was going to be chopped up and taken to the dump.
And, yes, I cried!
Carole wept when her marvellous Christmas tree came down (Image: Carole Malone)