
Keir Starmer and Yvette Cooper are proving that they think Brits can be taken for

Another week, another shocking revelation about immigration that proves all Labour have are pointless slogans.

Keir StarmerOPINION

Keir Starmer thinks you can be taken for a mug (Image: PA)

Keir Starmer and Yvette Cooper really are making mugs of the British people repeatedly peddling the lie that they’re serious about tackling illegal immigration – when they’re not. This week it was revealed that French Authorities are telling the people coming here from Calais in dinghies: “Don’t worry the Brits will come get you in an hour.” Confirming what we already know – that our Border Force no longer exists to protect our borders, it’s just a taxi service for illegals. The French have had hundreds of millions of pounds from British taxpayers to stop these boats yet they’re not just not stopping them – they’re facilitating their arrival here.

This week alone, 1,722 people have arrived in small boats, confirming that numbers have gone up 31% since Labour got into power. And now we hear that smuggling gangs are actually offering VIP and First Class dinghies (for big money) to migrants who want extra leg room. It’s farcical and it’s all being done under the noses of dopey Starmer and our useless Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper, who are still repeating – Dalek-like: “We will smash the gangs.”

Yvette Cooper

Yvette Cooper is proving to be useless (Image: PA)

In a few short months, this Government has turned Britain into a dumping ground for the hordes being spewed up on to our beaches from sub-Saharan Africa. I’m sorry but I don’t want these culturally-alien young men here because we know that, when they come, crime goes up, sexual offences go up, they fracture local communities and they cost us a fortune.


Last year we spent £5.3billion on asylum seeker accommodation and support – money that could have been spent on needy people here who have paid into the system. It’s an aberration that Brits here are being taxed to hell and back by the incompetent Rachel Reeves to pay for people who shouldn’t be here and are only going to take, not give back, to society.

And just last week a new Government document confirmed what many of us thought that the 1.5 million homes this government has committed to building aren’t for tax-paying Brits – but for migrants.

The document made clear the new homes would help reduce the need to house asylum seekers in hotels. That’s those same hotels Labour vowed to stop using if they got into power. But we now have 8,000 more people in them than under the Tories

 and the Government has had to admit they’ll be using even more hotels for years to come.

We’re literally under siege now and any decent government would be doing something to stop it. Not this one. It has no removal deterrent in place. No idea how to smash the gangs.

It sits back and allows partisan courts and tribunals to let foreign criminals – rapists, paedos, drug dealers, violent criminals – stay here with spurious excuses trumped up by their Leftie lawyers. How many of our homeless get put up in four star hotels? They don’t.

They’re left to rot and beg on the streets while asylum seekers get accommodation the minute they hit British soil together with free healthcare and education. How the hell can that be fair?

The Britain most of us know and love is very soon going to be unrecognisable thanks to a bunch of politicians who don’t have the guts to dump the ECHR in order to protect our borders, our country and its people


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