Emma Watson

From Hermione to Activist: Emma Watson’s Journey

As you've never seen her before: Emma Watson plays Ila in upcoming Biblical movie epic Noah

Get ready to see a whole new side of Emma Watson as she takes on the role of Ila in the highly anticipated Biblical film Noah.

Fearful: Emma Watson plays Russell Crowe's doubtful daughter in the trailer for Noah

Anxious: Emma Watson stars as Russell Crowe’s uncerta in daughter in the preview for the film Noah.


Do not fear: The 49-year-old actor portrays the biblical mariner and prophet

No need to worry: The actor, aged 49, takes on the role of the biblical mariner and prophet.

Haunted by visions: Crowe wakes in the middle of the night to troubling whispers

Plagued by apparitions: Crowe is jolted awake in the darkness by unsettling murmurs.

Sage advice: Noah's grandfather is played by Anthony Hopkins

Interesting tip: The role of Noah’s grandfather is portrayed by the talented actor Anthony Hopkins.

Vision fulfilled: Noah is seen bending in prayer

Noah’s prayerful stance shows his vision being realized.

Rival: Ray Winstone battles with Crowe in the film

Opponent: Ray Winstone goes head-to-head with Crowe in the movie.

CGI heavy: The movie boasts computer generated wildlife for the ark

Full of CGI: The film features digitally created animals for the ark.

Doubting daughter: Emma asks if she is seeing the end of the world

Skeptical daughter: Emma questions whether she is witnessing the apocalypse.

Ready for war: Noah is reinvented as a warrior in the new adaptation

Geared up for battle: Noah takes on a new role as a fighter in the latest interpretation.


Onscreen reunion: Jennifer Connelly plays Noah's wife Naameh in the film

Reuniting onscreen: Jennifer Connelly takes on the role of Naameh, Noah’s wife, in the movie.

Heavy seas: The ark is tossed about the water world

Rough waters: The ark is being jostled in the vast ocean.

All the beasts of the earth: Many of the creatures in the film are fantastical, emerging from the director's mind

All the animals on land: A multitude of creatures in the movie are magical and come from the imagination of the director.


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