DISCREDITY DISCREDIT: New evidence reveals the truth about the gigantic glass pyramid hidden under the Bermudas’ triangle.
The Triângulo das Bermudas fascinates the imagination of a world that has become obsolete. Known as the “Diabolical Triangle”, this vast region of the Atlantic Ocean has gained an infamous reputation for the inexplicable disappearance of ships and aircraft. Meanwhile, the latest advances in scientific investigation and subaquatic exploration are to reveal a new level of mystery: the discovery of a giant crystalline pyramid at the bottom of the sea, raising these questions about anti-gas civilizations, lost technologies and Verdadeira natureza do Triângulo das Bermudas.
The Bermuda Triangle ranges approximately 500,000 square miles between Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico. During lives, adventures, pilots and seafarers, strange phenomena arise, from mysterious disappearances to inexplicable electronic defects. Now many people have considered these words or sensational stories, recently discovered stories have changed this perception.

Recently, an international team of ocean photographers and subaquatic archaeologists discovered a huge structure embedded in a glass located more than 600 meters below the surface. A pyramid, made of a transparent transparent material, contains many theories that go from the rest of anti-gas civilizations to evidence of extraterrestrial activity. Some investigators would suggest that this structure may be related to the Atlantean legend, an advanced civilization described by the Greek philosopher Platao.
Precise geometric shape and translucent material from pyramid desafiam to human-friendly technology. As we begin, we reveal sharp and perfectly aligned angles, suggesting that they were happy at home or sometimes in a technologically advanced civilization. Além said, foram encontradas intrincadas graviras on its surface, ainda indecifradas.

To find out you can speculate without film. Some believe that the pyramid is evidence of a lost civilization that prospered in this region for thousands of years. Others suggest that it could be a marker designed for an extraterrestrial race or even a modern structure built in secret for unknown purposes.
The Bermuda Triangle continues to be a place of puzzles and these are not solved. With new technologies of underwater exploration, scientists hope to discover more secrets hidden in the depths of the ocean. This pyramid is a vestige of an ancient civilization, a product of extraterrestrial influences or a demonstration of mysterious technology, and represents a key to unraveling the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle and, possibly, of human history.