De Old

Deutschland im späten 19. Jahrhundert in beeindruckenden Fotos

Germany. Berlin Cathedral under construction, 1899


Germany. Berlin horse tram, 1899


Germany. Berlin Lehrter Bahnhof, 1899


Germany. Berlin, 1899


Germany. Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, 1899


Germany. Castle Gutenfels in Rhineland, 1899



Germany. Cologne marketplace, 1899


Germany. Der Tugendbrunnen (The Fountain of the Virtues), Nuremberg, 1899


Germany. Frankfurt, 1899


Germany. Hamburg, 1899


Germany. Hotel Bellevue in Berlin, 1899


Germany. National Monument in Berlin


Germany. Nuremberg marketplace, 1899


Germany. Stuttgart Marktplatz, 1899


Germany. Synagogue in Nuremberg, 1899


Germany. Victoria Café, Berlin, 1899


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