Emma Watson

Fairytale Glamour: Emma Watson in Nude Gown at Shanghai Premiere ✨

In the movie adaptation of the classic Disney fairytale Beauty And The Beast, Emma Watson is portraying Belle, while her co-star Dan Stevens is taking on the role of the Beast. In a stunning appearance at the premiere in Shanghai,…

🌟 Emma Watson’s Enchanting Yule Ball Look: A Spellbinding Elegance

Emma Watsoп, as Hermioпe Graпger, captivated aυdieпces with her eпchaпtiпg appearaпce at the Yυle Ball iп “Harry Potter aпd the Goblet of Fire.” The traпsformatioп of Hermioпe from the stυdioυs aпd determiпed witch to a stυппiпg yoυпg lady was a…

Emma Watson Addresses Trans Issues at BAFTA 2022 🎬

Emma Watson seemed to subtly criticize JK Rowling as she graced the stage at the BAFTA Film Awards this year. The 31-year-old actress, famous for portraying Hermione Granger in the movie versions of Rowling’s novels, was there to present the…

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