Year: 2025

Der legendäre deutsche Panzer Tiger aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg

Der Tiger I   war ein deutscher schwerer Panzer des Zweiten Weltkriegs, der ab 1942 in Afrika und Europa eingesetzt wurde, meist in unabhängigen schweren Panzerbataillonen. Seine endgültige Bezeichnung war  Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger Ausf. E  , oft verkürzt zu  Tiger . Mit dem Tiger I besaß…

Zweiter Weltkrieg: Deutsche Rationen und Ernährung der Truppen des Dritten Reichs

Bildnachweis: Denkanstöße – Fluch in Kreide: „Gott strafe England“ lautet die Inschrift auf dem Flugabwehrgeschütz hinter den Soldaten, die aus ihrem Essgeschirr essen. Die kaum lesbare Schrift auf dem Gewehrlauf lautet: „Schießen Sie immer auf einen Pfahl.“ Von G. Paul…

Britain is at breaking point — and the powerful punish those who notice

OPINION Moral cowardice and deafening silence from our leaders is not good enough for the British people. (Image: Getty) Picture a bucolic English village, the kind immortalised in Constable paintings—rolling fields, a charming high street, a community where everyone knows your…

POLL: Should Rachel Reeves quit as inflation soars to 3%?

POLL Inflation soars to 3% in a fresh blow to Rachel Reeves (Image: Getty) UK inflation has surged to 3%, up from 2.5%- the steepest rate since March 2024, in what is another hammerblow for Rachel Reeves. The Chancellor is desperately fighting…

Sturmartillerie: StuG III und seine Nachkommen

Wenn wir vom Zweiten Weltkrieg sprechen, sind wir daran gewöhnt, dass die wichtigsten und massivsten Kettenpanzer normalerweise  Panzer sind . Dabei handelt es sich in erster Linie um sowjetische T-34 und amerikanische Shermans. Selbstfahrende Geschütze blieben jedoch auf der Strecke. Und mal…

POLL: Should Rachel Reeves resign over ‘lies’ on her CV? Vote here

POLL The Prime Minister has defended his Chancellor over questions about her qualifications (Image: Getty) Sir Keir Starmer has been forced to back Rachel Reeves as she has come under pressure over supposed inaccuracies on her CV. It was claimed last week that the…

British soldiers ‘absolutely ready’ to be deployed in Ukraine, insists senior army officer

Binh lính Anh tập tấn công ở Smardan, Romania  (Ảnh: Getty Images) Một sĩ quan cấp cao của Quân đội Anh đã nói với tờ Express rằng quân đội Anh “hoàn toàn” sẵn sàng triển khai lực lượng gìn giữ…

Rachel Reeves has told 12 rotten lies – and they’re about to destroy her

How can we trust anything that Chancellor Rachel Reeves says? (Image: Getty) I quickly came up with a dozen. Reeves has “misspoke” about everything from her tax plans to her days as a dazzling child chess prodigy, and they’re unravelling, one…

Reform and Tories call for Labour minister accused of fabricating CV to be sacked

Jonathan Reynolds is a key ally of Sir Keir Starmer (Image: Getty) Jonathan Reynolds should resign or be sacked over claims he lied on his CV about being a solicitor, the Tories and Reform have said. The Business Secretary claimed he worked as…

Downing Street breaks silence after Donald Trump brands Volodymyr Zelensky a ‘dictator’

British Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer and spoke to Volodymyr Zelensky after Donald Trump’s remarks (Image: AP) Sir Keir Starmer told Volodymyr Zelensky it was “perfectly reasonable to suspend elections” during Vladimir Putin’s bloodthirsty invasion of Ukraine. US president Donald Trump sparked fury after branding…

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