Year: 2024

The Post-War Ruins of Dresden Through Rare Photographs, 1945

Dresden in ruins after Allied bombings, February 1945. At the end of World War II, the city of Dresden was in ruins, all its buildings destroyed and thousands of civilians dead. The scale of the death and destruction, coming so…


State pensioner warning as retirement age could be hiked to

EXCLUSIVE: A finance expert has warned that the state pension age could be increased sooner than anticipated, causing big problems for many. An expert has warned that the state pension age could increase sooner than expected. (Image: Getty) Pensioners have been…


The £1.3m plan to sort out Britain’s ‘worst seaside town’ – but locals aren’t

EXCLUSIVE: The regeneration scheme aims to ‘enhance the look and feel’ of the resort’s seafront and link it to the town centre. Not everyone is convinced the £1.3m scheme will make much difference (Image: Jonathan Buckmaster) A seaside town once brutally…


UK snow maps show 400-mile barrage hours before -7C Polar blast smashes

The UK looks set to be hit by snow this weekend as freezing weather engulfs the country heading towards Christmas. The UK is bracing for a winter onslaught, as weather maps reveal heavy snow set to blanket the nation before Arctic conditions send temperatures plunging…


‘That’s 186 seats gone!’ Fears grow Keir Starmer is about to cave in to EU over

June Mummery has vowed that Reform will fight tooth and nail to stop British fishermen being ‘shafted’. The PM wants to reset relations with Brussels (Image: Getty) Sir Keir Starmer has been warned he could face an electoral wipe-out in coastal areas…

Das Leben in Deutschland in den späten 1930er Jahren durch wunderbare Agfacolor-Dias

Agfacolor war der Name einer Reihe von Farbfilmprodukten, die von Agfa in Deutschland hergestellt wurden. Das erste Agfacolor, das 1932 eingeführt wurde, war eine filmbasierte Version ihrer Agfa-Farbplatte, ein „Bildschirmplatten“-Produkt ähnlich dem französischen Autochrom. Ende 1936 stellte Agfa den Agfacolor…


I’ve been counting Starmer’s lies and it’s worse than I thought – he simply won’t

All politicians are economical with the truth but Sir Keir Starmer has lifted lying to a new level. And he doesn’t even hide it. Sir Keir Starmer’s mouth is open. Don’t trust what comes out of it (Image: Getty) If there’s…

Inside the real war against vile Channel migrant smugglers who are now ‘numb to death’.uk

Big read: Osama’s father is one of more than 70 people to have died this year, making it the deadliest on record for Channel crossings. More than 35,000 migrants have crossed the Channel this year (Image: Getty) “The smugglers who were…

Hinrichtungen Kiewer Juden durch mobile Tötungseinheiten der deutschen Armee, 1942

Deutscher Soldat erschießt eine Frau mit einem Kind im Arm, Iwanograd, 1942. Hinrichtungen von Kiewer Juden durch mobile Tötungseinheiten (Einsatzgruppen) der deutschen Armee in der Nähe von Ivanograd, Ukraine. Der Henker scheint über dem Körper einer bereits hingerichteten Person zu…

Die Lichtkathedrale der Nazi-Kundgebungen in seltenen Bildern, 1937

Nazi-Kundgebung in der Kathedrale des Lichts, 1937. Die Kathedrale des Lichts war ab 1933 ein zentrales ästhetisches Element der Reichsparteitage der NSDAP in Nürnberg. Sie bestand aus 130 Flugabwehrscheinwerfern, die im Abstand von 12 Metern gen Himmel gerichtet waren und so…

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